Extension of validity of Pass & PTO till 30.09.2021 due to COVID Dt. 30.06.2021
Recovery of Night Duty Allowance deferred until further orders RBE 96/2020 No. E(P&A) III-2017/HW-1 dt. 06.11.2020
Use of term Revenue in place of Earnings dt 31.07.2020
Railway Services Conduct Rules 1966 Updated till 2015
Cancellation of Periodical Transfer of staff dt. 07.08.2020
General Department Competitive Examination dt. 03.08.2020
Revised admissibility to travel by taxi dt. 23.07.2020
Retirement formalities through Virtual means dt. 21.07.2020
Renting of office space by Railways / PU dt. 20.07.2020
Introduction of 100% MCQ in written examinations for LDCE dt. 20.07.2020
Covid Leave rules SCR dt. 15.07.2020
Revision of NDA dt. 13.07.2020
Treatment of absence period from duty due to COVID-19 WCR 30.06.2020
Extension of validity of Pass PTO due to COVID 19 15.06.2020
Draft IR Establishment Code Sixth Edition 2020
TC CC ECRC Medical Category
Discontinuation of Hard Copies of Order
Date of next increment
LDCE 70% rule
Harmonized guidelines for Divyanjyans
LDCE 70% Level 6 / 3 yrs service can apply
Uniform Policy of sanctioning of leave ECOR
Fixation of pay
LDCE 70% rule II
RBE for NPS to OPS
Posting Dy SS Commercial
Night Duty Rate -Basic Wise
Organisation Chart Indian Railways
Process flow of HRMS mobile app
NDA Rate 01-07-2019
Review withdraw of stoppage of mail express train
Commercial Control phone number
Husband Wife same place posting
Shortest route for Pass Southern Railway
New uniform Commercial staff
Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualifications 15.03.2019
Inter Railway Transfer Policy
Master Circular on Joining Time WCR
Medical ID Card Numbering and generation
Master circular – Companionate appointment
Integrated Railway Helpline 139 IVR
GST Cloak Room 2017
Still Video shooting on Railways
Staff Benefit Fund to Cancer Kidney and Heart
Scanned Service Book ECOR
Railways Second amendment Act 2003
Blood donation SCL
Guidelines Quarter Allotment WAT
FAQ on Leave
Citizens charter for Passenger Services
Conveyance Allowance Rates
Entitlements after 7 PC
Leaving Abroad Rules
Pension Manual
Quarter Allotment Master Circular 49
Railway Establishment Rules
Provident Fund Act, 1925
Option for Switching over from NPS to Old Pension Scheme
One time relaxation for retention of Railway accommodation in view of COVID 19 19.05.2020
Microsoft Team Office software for IR 19.06.2020
Online Training on Indian Railways 19.06.2020
Compilation of MACP Scheme SCR BZA 2015
Leave Rules
LTC for Railway Employees Circular
LTC for Railway Employees Explanation
LTC Railway Spouse
Ex gratia for Hospitalization
Ex gratia Relief Accident
Ex Gratia and compensation IRCM
Entitlement in Empaneled hospital general semi private ward UMID
Master Circular on CEA & Hostel Subsidy
APAR of NG staff in level 6
All about UMID
Additional Benefit death NPS
UMID card colour
This page contains information on Establishment and Miscellaneous Circulars on Indian Railways categorized for easy readability. Contains Railway Board Circulars and Zonal Circulars.