Vigilance website containing all circulars
Link to Indian Railways Vigilance Manual
Vigilance Handbook-2013 DOPT
Cancellation of Periodical Transfer till 31.7.2020 dt 12.05.2020
Duty of VI
Bag checking by Vigilance
Railway Services Conduct Rules 1966 Updated till 2015
Rail Madad
Private / Personal Cash enhancement
Preventive Checks – Commercial
Rotation of officials working in Sensitive Posts
Cooperation with Vigilance during preventive check
Withdrawing term stiff major &, stiff minor penalty
Cooling off period between two postings in a sensitive seat
Time-limit for furnishing report on preventive checks
Anonymous/Pseudonymous complaints
Time limit for Investigation and Submission of Investigation Reports
Registration of Vigilance case
Consultation with Vig for imposing punishment
UTS Fraud SECR 24.8.2017
UTS Prevention of frauds II
UTS Prevention of frauds I
Imposition of Major Minor penalty
Minor shortage/excess of cash during duty at booking counters
Entering Personal Cash in EFT
Do’s and Dont’s while performing duty NWR Webpage
Observance of provisions for conducting disciplinary proceedings
Instructions for conducting disciplinary proceedings Master Circular 67
Proper issuing of Charge Sheet SECR 2019
Revised instructions for registration of Vigilance cases.
Timely issue of chargesheet RBE 130/2015
Practical Guide To D&A Rules
Schedule of Disciplinary powers and powers of suspension RBE No. 46/2003 dt 10.03.2003
Limit for intimation in respect of transactions in sale and purchase of shares RBE 167/2019 dt 01.10.2019
This page contains information about Vigilance Circulars on Indian Railways categorized for easy readability. Contains Railway Board Circulars and Zonal Vigilance Circulars.