REVISION 19 CONCESSION 25 QUESTIONS = 15 MINUTES Features : This Revision question Test set contains 25 Questions. Time limit is 15 minutes. Questions can be skipped MCQ Pattern NAME DEG/STN/ZONE Concession Certificate issued to a Kidney Patient for Outward Journey is valid for how many months ? 3 Months 24 Months 12 Months 6 Months How many times the Spouse and Children of Accredited Press Correspondents can travel on concessional rate in a financial year ? Thrice Unlimited Once Twice What is the element of concession in 2AC for Cancer Patient and Escort ? 75 % for patient and 50% for escort 50 % for both 75 % for both 100 % for patient and 50% for escort Which of the following statement is correct regarding carrying of one escorts at concessional fare in Student Concession ? 4 girl student of any age or 4 boy student under 12 years of age or 10 boy students of 12 years and above and 5 Physically Challenged students of 12 years and above. 4 girl student of any age or 10 boy students of any age and 5 Physically Challenged students of 12 years and above. 6 girl student of any age or 6 boy student under 12 years of age or 10 boy students of 12 years and above and 5 Physically Challenged students of 12 years and above. 4 girl student of any age or 4 boy student under 12 years of age or 12 boy students of 12 years and above Visually Impaired / Blind Concession is valid for how many years ? 15 Years 5 Years 10 Years Lifelong Facility of change of name is permitted on tickets issued on concession. Is the statement True or False ? True False A Foreign Male Senior Citizen of 61 Years of age is entitled for how much concession in Sleeper Class ? 40 % 10 % NIL 50 % What is the element of concession for Person with Disabilities (Divyangjan ) in MST and QST ? NIL 50 % 75 % 40 % The period of currency of the Student Concession is valid for ? 14 days from the date of issue for outward journey and 1 months for return journey 14 days from the date of issue for outward journey and 2 months for return journey 7 days from the date of issue for outward journey and 3 months for return journey 14 days from the date of issue for outward journey and 3 months for return journey A Cancer Patient is travelling on a Cancer Certificate for 1200 Km. How many Break Journeys he / she is entitled ? 2 Break Journey No BJ is allowed 3 Break Journey 1 Break Journey No person or party will be allowed two or more concessions at one time. The only exception is ? Orthopedic as well as Deaf and Dumb Senior Citizen Cancer Patient Dronacharya Award as well as Arjuna Award SC ST Student Senior Citizens are granted how much concession in Garib Rath Trains ? NIL 60 % for Female and 40 % for Male 50 % for Female and 50 % for Male 50 % for Female and 40 % for Male What is the element of concession for a Hearing and Speech Impaired ( Deaf and Dumb ) passenger in Rajdhani / Shatabdi category trains ? 50 % in 3A and Ac Chair only 25 % in 3A and Ac Chair only 25 % in all classes NIL IZZAT MST Concessions are issued for a maximum distance of - 150 Km 100 Km Any Distance 200 Km Senior Citizens are given how much Concession while purchasing Season Tickets ? NIL 50 % for Female and 40 % for Male 25 % for both Male andFemale 50 % for both Male andFemale Element of concession for War Widows is - 60 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class 30 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class 50 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class 75 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class Which book of IRCA contains rules on Railway Concessions for Passengers ? Coaching Tariff No. 26. Part II (VOL.II) Coaching Tariff No. 26. Part I (VOL.I) Coaching Tariff No. 26. Part I (VOL.II) Coaching Tariff No. 26. Part II (VOL.I) Temporary Orthopedic Handicapped Concession ( Physically Challenged (Divyangjan) is valid for how many years ? 10 Years 5 Years Life Long 15 Years All concessional fares are calculated on the basis of fares for Mail / Express trains irrespective of the type of train ie. Passenger train or Mail Express Train. Is the statement True or False ? False True For Transgender Senior Citizen Concession rule is - Age 60 Years and Element of concession 50 % Age 60 Years and Element of concession 40 % Age 58 Years and Element of concession 50 % Age 58 Years and Element of concession 40 % What is the element of concession for Allopathic Doctors ? 20 % 5 % 25 % 10 % Shram Awardees are given how much concession in 3 AC ? 75 % NIL 25 % 50 % What is the element of concession for a SC ST RRB candidate travelling to appear for Railway Examination ? 100 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class only 50 % in Second Class and Sleeper Class only 100 % in all class NIL Concessional MST and QST for Girl Students is admissible up to - 12th Standard 10th Standard Post Graduation Graduation A Concessional ticket holder is not permitted to change the ticket to a higher class even by paying the difference of actual fare (except First Class concession holders to 2 AC) . Is the statement True or False ? True False QUIZ MAIN PAGE HOME