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Subject :  Manual Loading of Parcel data from Divisions

Letter No : No. 2020/TC(FM)/11/16/Pt.2 Dt. 17.09.2020

Subject matter of the circular
No. 2020/TC(FM)/11/16/Pt.2
Principal Chief Commercial Managers All Zonal Railways
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi — 110 001, Date 17 09.2020 

Sub: Manual Loading of Parcel data from Divisions Ref: (1) This office letter No. 20201TC(FM/11116 Pt.II dated 25.08.2020 and 11.09.2020. (2) CRIS letter no 2017/CRISINDLS-HQ/ PMS/ IMPLEMENT/ PMIS/ 01741 PT-1 dated 07.09.2020 

Vide letter under reference (1), it was communicated that Board desires complete loading and unloading details for all parcel traffic (including parcel special trains, passenger special trains and PCETs) shall be fed in PMS on daily basis. For locations which do not have PMS implemented, one of the following means shall be adopted for feeding the data. 

1. PMS terminals available at Commercial Controls in Divisional and Zonal Headquarters office. 
2. Any terminal with UTS connectivity can be utilized as a proxy PMS terminal. 
3. Android based APP developed by CRIS which can be installed on any Android device. 

CRIS has prepared a detailed manual to guide concerned staff regarding procedure to be adopted for feeding the data (enclosed). CRIS may be directly approached for any clarifications or issues in this regard.
It is, once again reiterated that all Parcel figures (loading as well as earnings) must be fed in PMS on daily basis.
Please treat this as MOST URGENT.
DA: – As enclosed
Copy to: CAO/PIS, Northern Railway GM/PMS/CRIS, ChanakyaPuri, New Delhi ED/C&ISIRIy Bd