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Railways have always positioned Customers at the centre of all activities. Gandhi’s message on customers had always been Railways guiding light. Determining passenger satisfaction today assumed  paramount importance with the fast changing times. It is now an integral component of any rail journey be it at the platforms or on the trains. Railways always strives to provide the  best platform-based state-of-the-art amenities at important stations as well as comfort of an improved railway journey at modern speeds. 
Removing bottlenecks has always been a focus area of Railways and turning distress into opportunity.
The 2018 Comprehensive instructions on Passenger Amenities is the keystone Railway Circular which provides reclassification of stations into different groups.    
Not to forget the Passenger Amenities Committee (PAC) which is a statutory body under the Ministry of Railways.  This body looks after the grievances of passengers for the ease of railway transport.