This page contains information about Tatkal bookings. Railways have introduced Tatkal Seva Scheme to provide accommodation for those who have to move out on short notice. Tatkal booking timings is from 10 Am for Upper Class or AC class and 11 Am for Non AC class. Premium Tatkal booking timings are same as normal Tatkal booking timiming ie. at 10 Am and 11 Am respectively. You can check Tatkal ticket availability from Railway website or IRCTC website. If you want to book Tatkal ticket then either you can approach a PRS counter or can book online through IRCTC Website. Booking through YTSK is deferred by 30 minutes. If you want to book Tatkal ticket now you can book through IRCTC website.
In this page you will also find important information like rules regarding Name change facility on Tatkal tickets, Tatkal charges you have to pay while booking. Premium Tatkal Policy and many others.