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CC 24 of 2022 dtd. 14.11.2023

Sub: Bharat Gaurav Trains Policy- Induction of L1113 coaches and review of applicable charges.

Ref :- Commercial Circular No. 14/2021 dated 23.11.2021.

Bharat Gaurav Trains Policy was introduced vide Commercial Circular No.I4 of 2021.
To give a concerted thrust to efforts for promotion of domestic tourism through provision of better quality coaches and viable tour packages, the policy has been reviewed and following has been decided by the Competent Authority:
1. Only LHB coaches will be allotted under the Bharat Gaurav Trains policy. Railways reserve the right to allot the coaches of any age and applicable Right to Use charges per coach per year is enclosed as Annexure – I.
2. It has been decided not to levy the overhead component in the Fixed and Variable Haulage Charges. The applicable fixed and variable haulage charges have been revised and are enclosed as Annexure-II and Annexure-III respectively.
3. The revised haulage charges shall be applicable from the date of issue of this policy. There will be no refund/adjustment of already paid haulage charges.
4. The existing service providers, who have already been allotted ICF rakes under the framework of Bharat Gaurav Trains Policy issued vide CC No.14/2021, shall be given an option to switch over to LHB rakes under this policy for remaining period of agreement on the applicable charges and other conditions notified under this policy. Should the service provider opt to continue with already allotted ICF rakes, the revised charges shall be applicable with prospective effect.
5. To ensure that Service Providers fix the package costs which is commensurate with the services being offered, Service Provider shall print on the package costs invoice that “IR is providing approximately 33% concession for promotion of rail tourism under Bharat Gaurav Trains Scheme”.
6. The existing luxury tourist trains shall continue to be operated on the applicable charges (RU, Fixed and Variable Haulage Charges) already notified separately. As such, charges notified under this policy shall not apply on the luxury tourist trains.
7. All other instructions for operation of Theme based Bharat Gaurav Trains as issued vide CC No.14/2021 shall continue to be followed.

• This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of approval of the Board